E-News 13 September 2022
Welcome to Week 9
A Flourishing Environment
At Corpus Christi College our vision is for our students to become Outstanding for Others. We want them to proudly develop their individualised talents and utilise them in service of others.
We know the importance of providing the right conditions to allow our students to shine and flourish. We therefore strive to create an inclusive environment filled with opportunities for students to develop as whole persons. In living out our College values, we encourage our students to be compassionate and committed people who have the courage to step outside of their comfort zone to learn and to make a positive difference to the lives of others.
In helping shape our young people, we therefore extend far beyond the regular curriculum to provide numerous faith, social/emotional and learning experiences for our students as evidenced by another exciting and busy fortnight at the College.
Year 9 Personal Project
Congratulations to our Year 9 students for their amazing efforts in taking a concept and bringing it to reality with the presentation of their Personal Projects at our Exhibition on Tuesday last week.
We know that learning happens anywhere, anytime – it was therefore excellent to see the incredible creativity, skill and problem solving on display at the Exhibition. The Personal Project encourages students to be entrepreneurial in planning and designing the processes involved to take an idea and developing it into a final product. The students have shown excellent resilience, organisational, time management and critical thinking skills to work through various challenges to meet the required deadline. These are all skills that will stand our students in very good stead for their future world.
We are very grateful to the students’ mentors, teachers, parents and caregivers who provided support and formative feedback throughout the design and development process. The array and variety of projects was incredible, and the students should be very proud of their achievements. Special thanks to Head of Year 9 for Mr Mark Barron for overseeing the program.
Over 400 People’s Choice Votes from the evening have been tallied and we are pleased to announce the winner below:
Justin Whiting – Fut pool table
Notable mentions:
Dayna Yiu – Crochet Anime Dolls
Dhruthi Sai Prashanth – Taj Mahal Model
Ethan Audino – Stirling Engine
Ryan Pymont – Table
Ivy Klass – Buggy
Layla Newman – Paper Tree
To view some of the projects, please click here.
Year 6 Confirmation
Students in Year 6 celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation in the St Thomas More Parish Church last weekend. This important event in the lives of our students brought together families and sponsors to support our students in receiving this special Sacrament.
We are most grateful to the St Thomas More Parish for their wonderful support of our students in receiving their Sacraments. The partnership between the school and Parish is an integral one in promoting the faith and spiritual development of our students and we are most thankful for the generosity of Father Phong and Father Simeon for their continued assistance and for their support with Confirmation.
We were thrilled to have the Most Reverend Father Peter Whitely present to celebrate the Mass. We thank him for his time and for his work in preparing the students for their Confirmation. Special thanks to Parish Sacramental/RE Coordinator Judy Machado, Sacristan Beverly Bucat, the many Parish helpers and musicians for making this such a special occasion for our families. We of course acknowledge our hard-working College staff for their dedicated efforts in preparing our students.
Year 9 Personal Project People’s Choice Winner, Justin Whiting.
Associated Catholic College (ACC) Inclusive Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our students who participated with great energy and enthusiasm in the ACC Inclusive Athletics Carnival on Friday last week. Seventeen different schools from within the ACC participated in this event where students competed in a range of different track and field events.
Our students should be most proud of the way that they represented the College and involved themselves fully in the day. They provided great support for one another and to students from other schools. The students gave their best efforts and showed great courage and commitment to compete so strongly in each of their events.
We acknowledge our excellent staff for their continued support of our students and thank the ACC staff for organising such a terrific and inclusive event.
ACC Inclusive Carnival
Guest Presenters
I wrote recently about Paul Litherland from ‘Surf Online Safely’ who spoke to parents and students across the years on the importance of remaining safe online. We are grateful for the positive feedback we received from both parents and students regarding Paul’s presentation which has encouraged us to continue to explore learning opportunities for both students and parents around key social issues.
To this end we invited Paul Dillon to the College on Monday last week to present to students throughout the day and then address the parents in the evening. Paul is the Director and founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) and he is “passionate about ensuring that the community has access to accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information”.
DARTA aims to “provide education and training expertise as well as high quality research assistance on a wide range of alcohol and other drug issue”. Paul’s eye-opening presentation to students and parents focussed on the issue of vaping which has become a growing issue across the country. Paul’s presentation provided up-to-date and accurate information on the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, including the potential harms associated with the use of these devices, particularly for young people. Practical advice was also provided to parents on how to talk to young people about vaping, as well as some possible responses that they can use should their child attempt to challenge them in this complex area. Further details about Paul and DARTA can be found at https://darta.net.au/
The strategy of aligning student and parent presentations allows for quality conversations to take place at home. We want to fully engage our parents in the growth and development of students and are always keen to align strategies to promote a common language and clear wrap around support.
As we continue to develop our Friends of Corpus strategy, we look forward to hearing from parents as to what types of learning and engagement opportunities they would like us to develop at the College to address key social issues facing our students. This will be a key agenda item for discussion at our next Friends of Corpus meeting where we will plan the calendar for 2023. We would invite your input into this conversation.
Guest Presenters
The Arts
We are very proud of our flourishing Arts culture at the College. It provides an authentic way for students to express themselves creatively and importantly gives them a voice. We are pleased that so many students will be displaying their artistic talents this week in the form of Dance, Drama, Music and Art at our K-12 Arts Week.
Is a very special first, we are thrilled that the Primary Dance Concert "Many Cultures, Once College" will be performing in the Caroline Payne Theatre on Wednesday. We wish them and the students across all years all of the very best for their performances.
We are also looking forward to the K-12 Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Expo opening on the Wednesday which will showcase our CEWA Angelico Award winning pieces.
Full details and booking information and booking details are available at https://www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events/k-12arts
It is a privilege to be able to provide you with a snapshot of the many different and varied growth opportunities at the College. In encouraging students to involve themselves fully in the life of the school, we strive to create a caring, respectful and relational environment which allows our students to step outside of their comfort zone to learn and grow.
Best wishes and every blessing.
Jeff Allen
News (all years)
Enrolments Update
Kindergarten 2025 – Apply now
If you have a child born between 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021, please apply now for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten commencing in 2025.
While we will not be interviewing for this cohort until a few years’ time, to avoid missing out on a place, applications are encouraged well in advance as places are limited. You can apply online, here: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply
Year 7 2025 – Sibling Applications
If your child is currently in Year 4 and is not already attending Corpus Christi College Primary and you have not submitted an application, we encourage you to apply for Year 7 2025 as soon as possible.
To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child. If you are yet to do so, please apply online: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply
NAPLAN Results
The NAPLAN reports for 2022 for Years 3,5,7 & 9 are now available to download from SEQTA today.
Learn to Swim
Please note that there will be no school holiday program during the Term 3 holidays.
Our Learn to Swim Program information for Term 4 will be released in the coming weeks.
The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events
Primary Meet the Teacher Morning Tea
Following assembly on a Friday, from approximately 9.15am – 10.00am, parents and guardians will be invited to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ morning tea for their child’s year group.
Term 3 year groups dates are as follows:
Year 6: Friday 16 September 2022
Year 3: Friday 23 September 2022
Term 4 year group dates to be announced at a later date.
K-12 Arts Week
Wednesday 14 September 2022
Primary Dance Concert
Three sessions 2.30pm – 6.10pm | Corpus Christi College Caroline Payne Theatre
K-12 Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Expo Opening Night
5.30pm – 8.00pm | James Nestor Foyer
K-12 Awards presented from 6.30pm. Families of the award winners will be notified prior to the event.
Families attending the Primary Dance Concert will be able to attend the Visual Arts and T&E Expo from 2.45pm onwards (families only need to book a free ticket if attending from 5.30pm onwards).
Thursday 15 September 2022
K-12 Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Expo Night Two
5.30pm – 8.00pm | James Nestor Foyer
Year 12 Music Perspectives
5.30pm – 8.30pm | Corpus Christi College Caroline Payne Theatre
Primary Dance Concert
We are excited to share event information for the Primary Dance Concert to be held on Wednesday 14 September 2022 at the Corpus Christi College Theatre!
Parents and guardians will have received the release email and information last week. We encourage you to view the email and events web page for all information. Families attending the Primary Dance Concert will be able to attend the Visual Arts and T&E Expo from 2.45pm onwards (families only need to book a free ticket if attending from 5.30pm onwards).
To find out more and to book tickets, visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events/2022/primary-dance-concert
Please note that any families that have a child in Pre-Primary to Year 6 in both a B and G class, may leave the non-performing child in a creche area which will be supervised.
A Creche facility is available to parents of those with children in both B and G classes who may not have anyone to cater for one child whilst the other is performing. Please note this does not include the Kindergarten children or younger/older siblings not current enrolled at the College.
If you wish for your child to be supervised, please complete the form available here by 9.00am Wednesday 14 September: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events/2022/primary-dance-concert
The creche will be located in the James Nestor Facility (J08 and J09) which are our Dance studios in the Performing Arts Centre, located right next to the College Hall. A representative from the Creche will be available to guide you to the location.
We look forward to what will be a wonderful celebration and can’t wait to see our Primary students taking on the big stage!
Year 7 Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea
We invite all grandparents to join our Year 7 students on Thursday 15 September 2022 to celebrate the special connection our students have with their grandparents.
Please arrive at 8.45am for a 9.00am start at St Thomas More Parish.
Following the celebration of the Eucharist, we invite visitors and students to join us for a light morning tea in the James Nestor Foyer, whilst viewing the College’s 2022 Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Expo.
Bookings essential, please fill out the form available here by 8.00am on Wednesday 14 September 2022.
For any enquiries please contact Head of Year 7, Stephen Kingwell.
Primary Learning Journey Day
The Primary Learning Journey is an opportunity for parents and friends of the Corpus College community to view the wonderful examples of our Kindergarten to Year 6 students work.
Parents, grandparents, siblings and more are welcome to attend with the College remaining open from 3.15pm to 6.15pm. We encourage families to attend at any time that is convenient to them during that time.
More detailed information can be found via our events page here.
We look forward to seeing you join us for our 2022 Learning Journey at Corpus Christi College Primary campus.
Upcoming Important Dates
Please note the upcoming events taking place this term. Students and families will be provided further updates, where necessary.
Arts Week (Week 9)
K-12 Awards Assembly – Tuesday 20 September 2022
NEW Public Holiday - Thursday 22 September 2022
Term 3 Concludes – Friday 23 September 2022
Term 4 Commences - Tuesday 11 October 2022
Inter-school Spelling Bee
The South Central Regional Inter-school Spelling Bee for 2022 was held on the 6 September in the Caroline Payne Theatre. Eight schools in our region were involved and each school entered two contestants per year level (Y4 - Y6).
The Year 6 competition was first and was a great contest - ultimately won by St Columba's Catholic Primary School. St Benedict's CPS came second and an equal third place was awarded to St Augustine's CPS and St Benedict's CPS.
The Year 5 competition was amazing and hard fought. We exhausted the word lists, challenge words 1 & 2 and had to move to the Oxford Dictionary Word of the Day list to finalise the competition. Corpus Christi college took first and second place in the Year 5 competition. (Nicolas W and Kingston V). In third place was Orana CPS.
Finally, the Year 4 competition saw our youngest competitors battle for over an hour to achieve the result of St Columba's CPS in first and second place and Queen of the Apostles CPS in third place.
Congratulations to all of our students who participated in this event and who worked so hard and did the College proud.
Primary Library Update
Book Week Poster Competition
Our Book Week poster competition was a big hit and Mrs Munro has enjoyed looking at all the entries.
The winners are displayed in the Primary Library.
Last week’s annual Scholastic Book Fair in the undercover area was a great success and we thank both parents and staff who volunteered to assist.
Inclusive Plus Program
This term, the Inclusive Plus Program students had the pleasure of working with Head of Arts Julie Pannell in the art room on the Secondary Campus. Students learnt how to work with glass to make some beautiful and colourful plates. They used the glass system 96, fused in a glass kiln; the glass then goes through a second firing called a slump. Therefore, it requires lots of time In the kiln before the final product is ready.
The students loved the walk down to the big kids' school and were very engaged with Mrs Pannell's class.
All Years (7-12)
Uniform Update
Shorts, trousers and skirts (Girls Size 10) are now available to try on and order. To purchase, please visit the Uniform Shop or order online through flexischools.
Summer Uniforms
We also remind families of the transition to Summer Uniform for Term 4. These items are be available for purchase now.
Holiday Openings
The Uniform Shop will be open on Friday 7 October, 9.00am -3.30pm during the holidays and will re-open to usual hours on Monday 10 October 2022.
ACC Athletics Carnival Live Stream
A link will be available in the SEQTA Notices for families wishing to watch the A Division ACC Athletics Carnival track events on Wednesday 14 September 2022. Please check the week of the event for this link.
Middle School (Years 7-9)
Term 3 has been reflective of the wonderful opportunities to experience successes and failures in a school setting. The term has been a busy one for Middle School, term 3 can often seem the longest and hardest for staff and students but in all the events you see listed below you will note the importance of the collective in finding a common connection or culture of joy that unites us.
In the past few weeks, we have celebrated:
R U Ok Day saw a sea of yellow flowing through the student body but especially apparent with the year 7s as we looked to shine a light on wellbeing.
Our first K-12 Father’s Day breakfast saw over 300 students and fathers across the two campuses come together
Year 7 STEM week saw the best of our students being challenged to create and collaborate around design and bridge making, an extremely popular event we see each year.
Year 8 Camp at the Swan Valley Adventure Centre, saw students facing fears around various challenges and team building activities. With a focus on Courage, Challenge, and Success students navigating a 2-day camp that saw them bond and unite as a collective in a way they have yet to do.
Year 9 Personal Projects allowed students to create in whatever capacity their hearts desired. A chance for students to push the boundaries of creativity on an individual level that was truly celebrated by so many at the exhibition night.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank students, staff and parents for all the hard work they have put into creating and supporting these events. We continue to work and live in a thriving community.
Senior School (Years 10-12)
Four-Way Test Public Speaking Competition for the Booragoon Rotary Club
The Semi-final heats for the historic Four-Way Test Public Speaking Competition for the Booragoon Rotary Club took place on Tuesday, July 26 with Hannah Oversby and Ruth Vincent of Year 10 competing.
The Four-Way Test consists of four universal service-based questions that can be applied to almost any aspect of life. It is a speaking test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships and participating provides students with an understanding of our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world.
The Booragoon heat saw Hannah’s speech on “Dropping the Mask” win runner up prompting insightful conversation from the Rotarian audience about the masks we wear, some less obvious than others, ultimately advancing her to the District Final. Ruth’s speech on “Following Your Dreams” impressed the judges with her performance talent and presence.
Based on the feedback given to her by the esteemed judging panel from Rostrum, Hannah refined her speech in order to maximise her chances of success in the District Final. At the district final, held on Sunday August 21, Hannah competed against three other students.
Ms Melanie Bird
Have Sum Fun Maths Competition
On the evenings of Friday 26 August and Friday 2 September, Corpus Christi entered six teams into the Have Sum Fun Maths Competition. Held at various schools across the metropolitan area. The competition is an exciting initiative that uses a quiz-night format where teams race against the clock to solve four intense rounds of challenging problems.
I would like to thank all students who participated in the competition. Their teamwork and problem-solving ability was first class and their exemplary attitude represented the College with distinction.
I would also like to think Mr Sinagra and Miss McGinley for giving so generously of their time to assist on the night.
Mr Joshua Pauley
Warmun Retreat
Recently, ten of our Year 11 students, along with Deputy Principal, Ministry Gemma Wooltorton and Christian Service Learning Coordinator Katrina Thomas, visited the Epiphany Retreat Centre in Rossmoyne to run a retreat for 14 students from the Ngalangangpum School Community in Warmun.
The retreat was aimed at giving the students an opportunity to do some team building, fun activities, reflect on their experiences and to engage in some prayerful moments. It had to be fluid as we needed to work with the energy of the students.
Thank you to the following Year 11 students for their amazing talent, agility and friendship they offered the students and staff of Warmun:
Stephanie De Luca
Kenli Eldhouse
Will Lewis
Tatiana Pymont
Jacinta Thamrin
Talah Carr
Natalia Cuocci
Mia Anderson
Kate Byrne
Ava Versaico
To read some of their reflections of the day, please click here.
Middle School – Selfless September
This September there will be a focus for our Middle School students called “Selfless September” focussing on the following quote: “The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else” – Sri Chinmoy.
We are challenging our students to put others’ needs before their own, by completing one simple task per day for the whole month of September.
Katrina Thomas - AARE Award
Christian Service Learning Coordinator Katrina Thomas was acknowledged at the AARE (Australian Association of Religious Educators) for the work she has done in the area of Christian Service Learning, also known as Faith in Action. Katrina’s agility in finding new ways to offer service during COVID times and the restrictions that came with COVID was highlighted but most importantly, the work with guiding students in their personal reflections on their Service in light of the Catholic Social Justice Teachings and our College values.
Katrina has been a strong influence on our students encouraging and providing them with opportunities to do Service. It is fantastic that she was acknowledged at this year’s AARE Awards. Congratulations Katrina from all of us at Corpus Christi College.
City of Melville Holiday Programs
ART BOX is a box of fun delivered straight to your doorstep for the September / October school holidays! Including ten activities created by WA artists, along with all the materials you need to complete them, ART BOX is especially designed for little art lovers to discover new ways to create and make art. Unleash your creativity, explore new ideas, and unpack a box of fun – all without leaving the house! Find out more here: https://djilbaartbox.eventbrite.com.au
Learn from professional artists and creative practitioners in ART SCHOOL! Join acclaimed WA artist Tarryn Gill to design and create your very own wearable artwork inspired by Tarryn’s Guardians. Across two-half day workshops, participants will be mentored by Tarryn through the process of designing and developing their own guardian figure in wearable form, stitching and embellishing their character on to a t-shirt or jumper. Find out more here: https://artschooltarryn.eventbrite.com.au
Tuning into Teens
A 6-week series to support parents and caregivers of 9 to 13 year olds with Psychologist Tracy Hart.
Tracy is a registered psychologist and teacher who has worked in primary and secondary education settings for over 30 years. Tracy is passionate about proactive, preventative work – arming parents and caregivers with the knowledge, understanding, and skills to best support our children and young people.
Raising teens in the 2020’s can be challenging! Get in early and explore strategies to:
support your young person through any challenges that may arise in the teen years
promote connection and reduce potential conflict
help your tween/teen regulate their emotions
talk with your teen and respond to sadness, worries and friendship ups and downs
respond to anger and conflict, including sibling conflict
problem solve and set boundaries
Tuning in to Teens was designed and evaluated at the University of Melbourne.
Deep Water Point DOME Pavilion - maximum of 16 in each group.
$210 for six 2-hour sessions - covers all resources and a pastry treat each week!
Thursdays October 27; November 3, 10, 17, 24; December 1
Student Success
Amelia M (Year 4)
Earlier this month Amelia M (Year 4) competed in the State short course Junior Swimming Championships at HBF stadium. Amelia had an incredible weekend dominating to win 5 Gold medals, 3 silver medals and 10 Personal Bests!
Well done Amelia, great effort!
Kobe M (Year 12) and Emity M (Year 10)
Kobe and Emity M have been selected in the State Water Polo teams to represent Western Australia in the upcoming National Sate Championships. Emity will be travelling to the Gold Coast to play for WA in the 15U girls team. Kobe will be travelling to Melbourne to play for WA in the 17U boys team.
Congratulations Kobe and Emity!
⭐ Share Your Story ⭐
We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:
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