E-News 5 Sept 2023


Welcome to Week 8

The Arts

Corpus Christi College has a long history of celebrating the Arts and for providing opportunities for students to showcase their performing and visual artistic talents. As this year’s Catholic Arts Festival draws to a close it is appropriate to reflect on the importance of the Arts in the holistic development of students.

 There is a lot of research that promotes the benefits of student involvement in the Arts.

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) suggest that “by engaging in the Arts we become more cognisant of the broad spectrum of human experience. Learning horizons and life trajectories are enhanced. The role that the Arts collectively can play in transforming students’ learning more broadly, should also be realised and celebrated.” 

ACER also indicates that Arts experiences can transform educational outcomes through “enhancing and developing creativity and imagination”, encouraging “problem-solving abilities”, allowing access to a “diversity of cultures and a broad and inclusive world view” and “scaffolding and modelling positive attributes and habits of mind to help children flourish in the 21st century”.

Meanwhile the Ministerial Council for Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) and the Cultural Ministers Council assert that an education rich in the creative arts “is vital to students’ success as individuals and as members of society, emphasising not only creativity and imagination, but also the values of cultural understanding and social harmony that the arts can engender.” 

As a school that promotes the personalised talents of its students, we believe that the Arts provide an important pathway for success for our students. It allows them to shine, and to grow and learn through access to rich feedback and an authentic audience. The Arts provide an excellent vehicle for our students to express their individuality and creativity and allows them to share their considerable gifts with others. 

The Arts assist students to become communicative and collaborate learners who can problem solve and think critically. They promote our College values by enticing students to be courageous and to step outside of the comfort zone to learn; to be committed though managing multiple demands and responsibilities in delivering on their goal; and to be compassionate through being present for others and working alongside them in a supportive team environment.

The Arts therefore form an essential part of our holistic educational strategy at the school. They provide a wonderful vehicle for students to develop the necessary values, capabilities, skills and attributes that will set them up for future success. 

 We are very proud of our flourishing Arts culture at the College. We acknowledge the terrific efforts of our dedicated staff to ensure that we provide innovative and engaging visual and performing arts opportunities. Our passionate staff are Arts experts and facilitate wonderful growth experiences for our students where they can showcase their talents to learn.

The last few months have been very busy ones for our Arts team with our rich involvement in the Catholic Arts Festival which culminates on 11 September with the final concert. We applaud the efforts of our students for their excellent contribution to the Festival in the form of Dance, Drama and Music. We also acknowledge those students who had their Art works exhibited at the recent Angelico Arts Exhibition.

We also acknowledge our students for their terrific contribution to various performing arts showcases and recitals over the course of the term held in the Caroline Payne Theatre at the College.

 In looking forward, we are excited to present a broad range of excellent student works at our K-12 Visual Arts and Technology Expo commencing on Wednesday next week. Full details are on our events page HERE. We look forward to your company then.

Jeff Allen




Week 8 Update

Dear Families,

There are, once again, many things to celebrate across the Junior campus. Firstly, a congratulations to our Year 4 to 6 Choir, who received a certificate of excellence at the recent Performing Arts Festival. They shared their talents at the recent Musical Ensemble night. Thank you to Mr Ralph and Mr Pinkham for leading the choir this term.

Athletics Carnival Highlights

It was fantastic to see the students' enthusiasm in the lead-up to the carnival as they gathered in their house faction at morning fitness to practise their cheers and chants led by our year six captains.

 We started the carnival events on Monday morning with our Pre-Primary and Kindy students competing in the tabloid games. From there, we had the Jumps and Throws events in which all students in Years 3 to 6 competed. Our focus on the day for the students was to show courage and have a go at all disciplines.  It was also lovely having the senior students in Years 11 and 12 come down and support the teachers in running events.

 Though Tuesday did bring the rain, the student's excitement and enthusiasm for the day were still strong. We saw some excellent displays of sporting talents and, more importantly, students going out of their comfort zones to have a go at a race and earn points for their house.

 A massive thank you to Mr Cunningham for organising the events across both days. We appreciate and understand the hours of work that go behind big events. I would also like to thank Mr Howard and the senior teaching staff who assisted on the day.

 An assembly will be arranged towards the end of the term to announce the champion boys and girls and overall house points. We will communicate information to families via SEQTA once a date is confirmed.

Make a Move

The Junior students at the College have been enthusiastically participating in the Make A Move Performance Program. This great program teaches students the skills to choreograph parts of their own class dance and links directly to the performing arts and physical education curriculum.

This year the theme connects to our pastoral care program “URSTRONG,” which explores friendships and links into our College values of Compassion, Commitment and Courage.

 The students are excited to perform their class dance and celebrate the end of the term.

Concert 1: Kindy and Pre-Primary

  • Tuesday 12 September

  • The show starts at 9.30am and concludes at 10.00am in the Caroline Payne Theatre

  • Students will need to be dropped off at their classroom at 8.40am

Concert 2: Year 1 to Year 6 Blue classes

  • Friday 15 September

  • Students arrive at 5.00pm at the College Hall (next to the Caroline Payne Theatre)

  • The show starts at 5.30pm and concludes at 6.30pm in the Caroline Payne Theatre

Concert 3: Year 1 to Year 6 Green classes

  • Tuesday 19 September

  • Students arrive at 5.00pm at the College Hall (next to the Caroline Payne Theatre)

  • The show starts at 5.30pm and concludes at 6.30pm in the Caroline Payne Theatre

Parking and ticketing information has been emailed out to families on Friday 1 September.


As the weather begins to warm up, it is important that students are wearing their hats and have sunscreen on. I encourage parents to help their child apply sunscreen on before school and ensure they have a hat in their bag for play time. Teachers will be monitoring students wearing their hats at recess and lunch times. Those students who do not have a hat will need to play in the undercover area.

Kindy/Pre-Primary Car Park:

Unfortunately, an increasing number of families are using the incorrect entrance at pick-up and drop-off times. It is hazardous for cars to enter in via the no-entry lanes off Marsengo Road. I understand that parking is limited during this time; however, I must stress the importance of following the correct route around the junior campus to ensure the safety of the students as they arrive and leave school.

Thank you again for your support and help.

Katya Anderson

Head of Junior School


College Uniforms

Please be reminded that Term 4 will be the uniform changeover from winter to summer uniform. Students are expected to wear summer uniform items in Term 4 and Term 1.

In the coming weeks, there will be further information released to families about the upcoming new uniform items which will be released in 2024.
As previously communicated, there will be a two-year transition period (2024 and 2025) in support of students and families shifting to the new uniform. The new uniform will be compulsory from 2026.

The pre-loved uniform program has been discontinued as we approach the new uniform release in 2024. Please refrain from dropping items to the Senior School uniform shop as we are unfortunately unable to accept these from now on. Any existing pre-loved uniforms we have in store will be held and available for sale until January 2024, at which point we will communicate and return any unsold items to families.

In preparation for the new uniform release in 2024, the College will shortly be discounting some of our existing stock lines. These price markdowns will take place before the end of Term 3, 2023.

Uniform Shop parking for Senior School is available through the Murdoch Drive entrance. Turn left at the staff carpark and proceed towards the roundabout at the end of the parking area. The gate between the Parish carpark and the Senior School will be locked during the day from 9am – 2pm in the interests of student safety.

The Senior School Uniform Shop will be open during the holidays
on 6 October 2023, from 9.00am – 3.30pm.

2023 Catholic Performing Arts Festival Update

Congratulations to all our outstanding Students for their remarkable performances at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival events.

We are delighted to announce that Corpus Christi Dance Collage has achieved a remarkable feat securing the Shield Award for Christian Dance with the exceptional guidance of Mrs Caroline Stevenson. This achievement is a testament to your dedication and hard work.

Please view all of our Award Winners HERE.


College Events 


Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Qualifying Journey

Congratulations to 18, Year 9 Students, that have achieved Bronze in their Duke of Ed journey! These inspiring young adventurers embarked on their 2 Day ‘Qualifying Journey Camp’ in frosty cold of August!

Read the full story HERE.


Year 7’s STEM Challenge

Our Year 7 students experienced an exhilarating Week 7 as they immersed themselves in Science, Mathematics, and Technologies classes for the week. During this time, their task was to create the tallest possible beacon tower while facing resource limitations. Their ultimate objective was to construct a tower capable of supporting a 2kg radio transmitter, a critical component for an audacious rescue mission to a desert island.

Read the full story HERE.



Junior Library News

What a great celebration our primary students enjoyed during Book Week 2023.

Students enjoyed an author workshop with West Australian author/illustrator Gabriel Evans in week 4 and our early childhood classes took part in a craft activity with local author Molly Fernandes in week 6.

Our poster competition was very well supported. So many talented students interpreting the book week theme, “Read, grow, inspire.”

Week 8 we are planning our annual Scholastic Book Fair in the undercover area before and after school on 6 & 7 September.

I am still seeking volunteers for the day.

Mrs Catherine Munro

Library Technician

Interschool Spelling Bee 2023

On September 30, 2023, six young scholars from Corpus Christi College participated in the Interschool Spelling Bee hosted by Sacred Heart School in Thornlie. These students showcased remarkable composure and demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship throughout the competition.

Notably, Alexander D’Monte secured the third position in the Year 5 category. We extend our congratulations to all the participants for their exceptional efforts.

Learning Journey on Wednesday 13th September

We would like to invite you to join in the with your child’s/ren’s ‘Learning Journey’ on Wednesday 13th September between 3.15pm and 6.00pm.

During this time your child/ren will take you on a tour of some of the learning experiences that they have been engaged in this term. For more information can be found HERE.


Amelia McIvor (Year 5)

Just a short while after returning from her competition in Sydney, Amelia, showcased remarkable dominance in the 10 Year Old Girls' category during the Swimming WA Junior Short Course State Championships 2-3 Sept 2023.

Amelia faced a demanding schedule, competing in 10 individual events. Impressively, Amelia achieved a complete set of personal bests in all 13 events, including 3 split times. Shattering 4 Club Records. She secured 8 Gold and 2 Bronze medals, earning a spot among the “Top 5 Achievers” of the Meet!

Xavier Petta (Year 10)

Our very own Xavier, recently showcased his exceptional artistry on the Electric Guitar. He performed in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival’s Shield ‘Playoffs on Friday 2 Sept, 2023.

Your courage and commitment deserves commendation.

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: marketing@corpus.wa.edu.au


St Thomas More Bateman Parish Sacrament Dates 2023

Enrolments for sacramental classes are available online. To register visit: https://stthomasmorebateman.formstack.com/forms/enrolment2023

Confirmation - enrolments closed for this class on 20 July 2023.

  • Saturday 9 September 2023, 3.00pm

  • Sunday 10 September 2023, 11.30am                                                    

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman on (08) 9310 1747 or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au


Learn to Swim at Corpus

Corpus Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Corpus Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style


In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates below:

Reporting of Absentees

If your child is absent from school there are a variety of ways in which parents can inform the College, more information is located here. Absentees can be reported through a variety of means, including the online form, SMS or email absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au. The least preferred method is via call due to the translation of the voice message being unclear at times, please reserve calling for emergencies only. It is very important that you provide your child’s full name, their classroom/homeroom, and the reason for their absence. Please ensure any emails are sent to Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au and not individual staff email accounts within Student Services. The College will shortly be undertaking a review of the variety of methods used to report absences and is looking to streamlining the number of methods in which this can be done.

Enrolments Update

Sibling Applications

We encourage applications well in advance of the entry year and encourage families to keep up to date with the Enrolment timelines as advertised on our website.

Currently Accepting

  • 2026 cohort applications for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 7.

  • 2027 cohort and beyond.

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child.

If you are yet to do so, please apply online: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply

The next edition of the Corpus Christi College
e-News will be released on 19 September 2023.

Corpus Communications