E-News 25 July 2023


Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Week 2

College Values

In welcoming our community to the start of another term, I sent out our newly developed Living our Values framework which underpins all that we do at the College. As mentioned, we aim to live out these values in a genuine way so that we are building a positive culture and promoting an inclusive and dynamic learning environment.

In reflecting back over the first week at the College, it has been pleasing to see these values being made visible by our students in multiple ways.

In acknowledging the efforts of award recipients at our assembly, we reflected on how living our values can positively impact learning:

1.     COURAGE to grow, lead and serve

  • Stepping outside of our comfort zone, challenging ourselves to learn and discover

  • Aspiring to improve and adopting a growth mindset

  • Showing grit and being perseverant

  • Asking questions and seeking support always

2.     COMMITMENT to self, others and the College

  • Finding our path and committing to the rigours associated with being our best selves

  • Making the necessary sacrifices to learn

  • Giving our best effort always and delivering on our goals

  • Collaborating and learning together

  • Investing fully in the life of the school and actively participating in the growth opportunities it provides

3.     COMPASSION through care, respect and kindness

  • Learning and growing together

  • Being present for others and sharing the learning journey

  • Supporting peers in their learning

  • Actively contributing to a positive learning culture

Learning can happen anywhere anytime in many different guises both in and outside of the classroom. We can often miss these opportunities if we don’t adopt the right mindset or if we choose not to prioritise our own personal development.

We encourage all our students to be inspired by our award recipients whom we acknowledged last week for living out our values and modelling what can be achieved through adopting a courageous, committed and compassionate approach to their learning.

Our College values were also very much in evidence at the Vinnies Winter Sleepout held at the College last Friday evening. Staff and students involved committed to courageously and compassionately spending a night at the school sleeping outside in cardboard boxes to raise awareness and funds for the homeless. Those present gained an insight into the harsh realities of being homeless and experienced first-hand what it’s like to be without a safe and secure place to sleep.

Pope Francis says that being compassionate “takes us on the path of true justice” and allows us to “get involved in the problems of others”. He encourages us not to be indifferent but to “open our hearts to compassion”. We acknowledge our staff and students for being present for others through their involvement in the sleepout. We also recognise their tremendous efforts in raising close to $9000 to assist Vinnies in supporting the homeless.

We encourage all members of our College community to actively live out our values to in supporting the ongoing growth of our excellent College culture.

Master Plan

As outlined in my letter to all families this morning, the College has entered the consultation phase of the Master Plan development, engaging multiple stakeholders including College Advisory Council, Parish, staff, students, parents, alumni, prospective parents and feeder schools. We are thrilled to be working with award winning architects Munns Sly Moore who will be facilitating this process.

The Master Plan will provide the strategic direction and considered planning for existing and new building developments to further meet and enhance student learning experiences across the College.

We invite all parents and caregivers to attend the calendarised information session and workshop at the Term 3 Friends of Corpus meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening, Wednesday 26 July 2023, at 6.30pm in the Sadler Centre, Senior School. We look forward to your input and reflections as we develop the plan to grow our K-12 community.

Family Mass and Confirmation Commitment Masses 

As per our College calendar, we have a Family Mass scheduled at the St Thomas More Parish at 6.00pm this Saturday. All families are invited to attend. As a Catholic College community, we value every opportunity to celebrate Mass together.

We recognise the rich relationship with the St Thomas More Parish and appreciate this important partnership which allows us to collectively promote authentic faith and spiritual growth opportunities for our students.

The Family Mass coincides with the first of our Commitment Masses for our Year 6 Confirmation candidates. The second Commitment Mass is scheduled for this Sunday at 10.00am at the Parish. Thank you to Fr Phong and Mrs Judy Machado, Parish Sacramental/RE Coordinator, for their excellent support of our students in preparing for this Sacrament.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen




Enrolments Update

Sibling Applications

We encourage applications well in advance of the entry year and encourage families to keep up to date with the Enrolment timelines as advertised on our website.

Currently Accepting

  • 2026 cohort applications for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 7.

  • 2027 cohort and beyond.

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child.

If you are yet to do so, please apply online: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply

Private Bus Service

At the beginning of the year, the College commenced the use of the TransportMe app in support of families using the private bus service. If your child catches the College-run private bus service, please ensure they have a SmartRider card to tag onto this service. The funds which are required for students to access this service must be loaded via the TransportMe app. Please ensure the funds are regularly topped up to ensure sufficient balance is available for the trip costs associated with the use of this service. For more information, click here.

Reporting of Absentees

If your child is absent from school there are a variety of which parents can inform the College, more information is located here. Absentees can be reported through a variety of means, including the online form, SMS or email absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au. The least preferred method is via call due to the translation of the voice message being unclear at times, please reserve calling for emergencies only. It is very important that you provide your child’s full name, their classroom/homeroom, and the reason for their absence. Please ensure any emails are sent to Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au and not individual staff email accounts within Student Services. The College will shortly be undertaking a review of the variety of methods used to report absences and is looking to streamline the number of methods this can be done.

New Uniform Update

We would like to express our gratitude to the incredible students, parents, and staff who have provided valuable feedback and input for our new uniform project. We understand that transitioning to a new uniform is a process, and we want to assure families that it will be implemented gradually. There is no immediate requirement to purchase the new uniforms. However, we are working towards making the Summer Uniform options available for purchase by Term 1, 2024. We aim for the new uniform to become mandatory across the K-12 College from 1st January 2026.

We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards this important milestone. The new uniform will not only foster a sense of unity and pride within our College but also reflect our shared values and vision.

Master Plan Update

We are thrilled to announce the development of our College Master Plan, shaping the future of our K-12 institution. The plan aims to enhance student learning experiences and create dynamic environments over the next twenty years. We welcome Munns Sly Moore architects, experts in the education sector, to walk with us on this journey.

Your input is essential, and we invite you to join the information session and workshop on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 6.30pm (Sadler Centre, Senior School) or participate through the survey link here. Your valuable thoughts on learning spaces, student wellbeing, safety, and more will help us shape the blueprint for our campus.

Thank you for your interest and support in making Corpus Christi College an even better place for our students and community. (Please check your emails for more information.)

Cafeteria Update

We have an exciting new menu for Term 3 available across the College.

To view the menu and learn how to place an order, visit the link here.



Week 2 Update

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome to Term 3.

I hope this letter finds you well and that you had a restful and enjoyable break. I am thrilled to embark on this exciting term filled with various events and activities for our students. It will be a term filled with growth, learning, and fun. One of the highlights of this term will be Book Week, which will take place from 21 to 25 August.

Book Week is an annual celebration of literature and reading, and we have a series of engaging activities planned for our students. Our goal is to foster a love for reading and encourage creativity and imagination. In addition to Book Week, we have several other events and initiatives planned for this term.

Some of the key highlights include:

Catholic Identity and Mission:

  • Year 6 Commitment Mass

  • Family Mass

  • Year 6 Confirmation Community


  • Book Week Parade

  • Family Life Talks – Year 5/6 students and parents

  • Make A Move Concert

  • Paul Litherland


  • Book Author Talks

  • Learning Journey Evening

We will provide you with detailed information and specific dates for each of these events as they approach. Please ensure that you regularly check the school's communication channels, including our website, Corpus app, E-News, and social media pages, for updates and announcements.

Staffing Update:

We extend a warm welcome to the following staff members who will be joining our Junior Campus.

• Ms Michelle Yoon – Year 4 Blue (LSL replacement term 3).

• Mrs Elizabeth Moller – Year 5 Blue (LSL replacement term 3).

• Mrs Joanna Lyon – Year 4 Green (Semester two contract).

I also want to welcome Mrs Julie Pannell and Ms Katelyn Versluis from the senior campus, who will take our upper junior students for visual arts this semester. Both teachers bring with them a wealth of knowledge and are excited to be working on the Junior campus. regards

Katya Anderson

Head of Junior School

Junior Library News

Lee Beazley from the City of Melville Library Services will be visiting our Library on Wednesday 2 August 2023 to give a short presentation to Kindergarten parents highlighting the program and the benefits of early literacy. Lee will also give an overview of Melville libraries, showcasing early learning resources, and will answer any questions. This session should take approximately 15-20 minutes and will be followed by a visit to Kindergarten combined with some stories.

We look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible as this is a fabulous program for parents and their children.

Mrs Catherine Munro

Library Technician


Religious Education Assessment 2023

At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in the Religious Education Assessment (REA) from the week commencing Monday 24 July in Term Three. The assessment will be accessible to students only online.

Students enrolled in Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 who are following a regular classroom program are expected to participate. Students with disability are entitled to participate in the assessment. Exemptions may apply.

Please see correspondence below for more information:



Senior School Pre- Carnival Athletics

The Senior School Pre-Carnival Athletics events will begin on the 4 August.

To view the event dates per year group, visit the link here.

Religious Education Assessment 2023

At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in the Religious Education Assessment (REA) from the week commencing Monday 24 July in Term Three. The assessment will be accessible to students only online.

Students enrolled in Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 who are following a regular classroom program are expected to participate. Students with disability are entitled to participate in the assessment. Exemptions may apply.

Please see the correspondence below for more information:


Ava Komnick

We are bursting with pride to announce that Ava Komnic, a Year 11 student, has been awarded the prestigious title of Overall Winner of 2023 St George’s Art Awards for her stunning piece titled 'Portrait of a man.' The judges were captivated by the artwork's visual impact, skillful expression of life's journey, and profound depiction of ageing, experience, and change in expression. Ava's dedication to her craft shines through her exceptional painting technique, making her a deserving recipient of this honor. We celebrate Ava's talent, creativity, and artistic brilliance, and we are truly privileged to have such a remarkable artist in our school community. Congratulations, Ava!

*More about this on the blog!


Oliver Colgan (Year 9)

Over the first week of the school holidays, Oliver represented Baseball WA in their West Coast Rays 14U team at the Down Under Winter Classic held on the Gold Coast. The team played 7 games over 5 days of tournament baseball. Although the results didn't go their way Oliver and the rest of the team represented themselves and the state of WA with great pride and should be commended for their efforts. We are so proud of Oliver for his outstanding performance and commendable attitude, serving as an inspiration to us all.

Congratulations, Oliver! We are honored to have you as a shining example of our values.


Billie Donegan (Year 5)

Congratulations to Billie Donegan for achieving a remarkable milestone of 50 games with the Corpus Christi College Netball Club! Billie's dedication and commitment since Year 1, never missing a single game in 5 years, makes her a true superstar of the Club. Her Coach and teammates formed a guard of honour to celebrate her achievement. Well done, Billie!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: marketing@corpus.wa.edu.au


St Thomas More Bateman Parish Sacrament Dates 2023

Enrolments for sacramental classes are available online. To register visit: https://stthomasmorebateman.formstack.com/forms/enrolment2023

Confirmation - enrolments closed for this class on 20 July 2023.

  • Saturday 9 September 2023, 3.00pm

  • Sunday 10 September 2023, 11.30am                                                    

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman on (08) 9310 1747 or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au

College Family Mass

We have our next College Family Mass at St Thomas More Bateman Parish scheduled for Saturday 29 July at 6.00pm.

This will coincide with the Year 6 Confirmation Commitment Mass, but all K-12 families and staff are warmly invited to attend.


Learn to Swim at Corpus

Corpus Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Corpus Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style


In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates below:

The next edition of the Corpus Christi College e-News will be released on 8 August.

Corpus Communications