St George's Cathedral Art Awards

On Thursday 20 July, prizes were awarded at the 20th Annual St George’s Art Gala Awards Night.

There were 5 award categories,  an Overall Winner, and another 5 Highly Commended works chosen.

Congratulations to all of our students whose art pieces were featured in this prestigious exhibition. These include:

  • Jy Rader Year 12

  • Ava Komnick Year 11

  • Isabella Alves- Veira Year 11

Isabella Alves-Veira - Year 11

Jy Rader - Year 12

Overall Winner

Portrait of a man (Oil)
Ava Komnick - Year 11

Using a subdued colour palette, I created a quiet and contemplative work that reflects the tranquillity of my grandfather's presence. Every brushstroke carries the weight of memories shared, and the wisdom he has imparted. Subtle variations of light and shadow dance across his face revealing the wisdom gained through a lifetime of experiences.

Alexandra Carcione